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Glittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layouts Glittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layouts Glittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layouts Glittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layoutsGlittergraphics.us - Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, MySpace layouts

Real Name: Kali Shanna Beth Greer 

Do you like it:  Even though people don't usually know how to pronounce it..I guess so 

What does it mean: What... u expect me to know the whole damn history on it or what??? 

Nickname(s) and who gave them to you: Kakee-Brandon Bradley Kay Kay-Stephanie Barber KJO-Stephanie Barber
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Birthplace:Rowan Co.  Kentucky

Birthdate: 04/23/1990

Currently live in: Grayson Ky

Currently live with: My mom,Mark, and Kimmie

Have any brothers, sisters: Yeah... 3  

Hair color: Brownish Black 

Eye color: Blue

Height: 5*7

Contacts/glasses: Suposed to Im almost blind 

Hobbies: Gettin High! 

Do you play any sports?: Nope

Where are you?: In my Bedroom.. 

What time is it: 3:15 a.m.

Piercings: My Ears, My Eyebrow(3 times, 2 on tha left n 1 on tha right!:D), and My Tongue 

Tattoos: Star on my right hand and Kali on my right foot 


Color: Pink and Black 

Type of music: Rock, Country, Rap... I like it all but classical... jazz... that type of shit..

Video: A Cindereall Story

Vacation Spot: Amsterdam
Place to hang out: My House... The Circle!! hahah!

Holiday: Christmas=money and presents 

Season: Fall

Day of the week: Thursday

Sport: Football

Sport to watch: Football

Family member: My momma ofcourse
Store: Journeys

Hair style (for guys): Dont matter 

Hair style (for girls): Long

Website: Mine,and

Country: Well..

Smell: Fabreze The Purple Kind 

Food: Cheeseburgers

Drink: Dr.Pepper I cant live with out it 

Car: Eclipse 

SUV: Escalade

Place to make out: ahh prlly my room iono :S :S 

Name: Brooklyn Dawn and Brennan 

Kind of book: Mystery

Sandwich: Ham n Cheese man... 

Poem: Depressing ones

Word: Asshole!

Pet: Suki ofcourse! 

Radio Station: 106.3

Television show: Family Guy 

Electrically powered device: Computer

Quote: I'd rather be dead than cool - Kurdt Cobain

Quote about love: "One night spent in your arms makes me love you for eternity"

Swear word: Shit and Fuck and Goddamnit man! 

Thing to do on a hot day: Turn the air on and get high! 

On a cold day: Turn the heat on and get high! 

On a rainy day: Get High! 

Number: 872

Color of m&m: Orange

Disney movie: Fox and the hound

Street name: Hell IONO

Magazine: Dont look at em 

Perfume: Britney Spears Curious

Football team: Reds :S 

Gum: The pretty green kind... Extra 

Starburst: Orange

Jolly Rancher: Pink

Weather: Cloudy with no rain! 

Vegetable: Taters... is that a veggie?? 

Actor: Ashton

Actress: ....

Computer game: The Sims 

Ice-cream flavor: Mint Chocolate

Cereal: Yucky

Island: ....

Athlete: yeah right!


Are you going out with anyone?: No

If so who?: n/a
How long: n/a

Who was your first kiss: I dont remember this shit???!!!????

Do you want to get married: YES!

If so, to who: Dont know yet 

what age: ??

If everyone was single and everyone eligible who would you go out with?: No One I dont want a boyfriend right now... I just wanna get high

¤Do you know anyone who¤

Lost their virginity (how many):  yes. About 872

Worships the devil (how many): Prlly.. I just don't know who they are

Hates slurpees (how many): Yeah.. Iono?

Is a compulsive masturbator (how many): yes 872

Likes the smell of dog poop (how many):Nope not that I can recall

Is crazy (really crazy): Why hell yeah.

Hates you: Tessia Lowe,Prlly lots more ppl

Loves you (besides family members): Well.. Some say they do.. But I don't know 

Like to watch porn: Yeah

Got caught watching/ or possessing prorno: Haha. Funny!

Eats cat food: Yeah! 

¤Would you ever¤

Eat bugs on purpose: Nope

Commit a crime: Most likely.. 

Change your religion: Nope

Lie to your parents: Yeah

Jump off a waterfall: Nope Im a Pussy! 

Dress up as the opposite sex: maybe.. if i was really high... 

Sing in front of a lot of people:Hell no 

Have sex in front of people: Hell no... 

Tell a much older person that you like them: Been there.. Done that

Eat dog/cat food: .....

Swim in shark infested waters: Oh hell no

Go to school naked: .....

¤have you ever¤

Lied to your parents about something really important: Yes

Have your life threatened: Nope

Stumble across top secret documents: No, but that would be so cool!

Say up until the morning chatting online: Yeah.. like all the time 

Read a Shakespeare play: Yeah. lol

Performed in a Shakespeare play: nope.. lol

Written a play: You crazy or sumthin

Written a book: Uhh.. Same as the last thing

Talked in your sleep: Not that I know of

What did you say: ....
Sung at a karaoke bar:  Hell no

Looked something up online you were told not to or know your not supposed to look up: No

Been run over. . .by a bike: Can't say that I have

Been run over. . .by a car: nope

Been run over. . .by a remote controlled car: not that i recall 

Wanted someone you couldn't have: Of course

Shoplifted: maybe

Admit to something that you know would hurt you: What's that suppose to mean?

Taken incriminating pictures: no..

Been in incriminating pictures: No lol

Blackmailed someone: Got my sister blackmailed rite now

¤Which one¤

Plastic or paper bag: Plastic

Carpeted or wood floor: Wood

Paint or wallpaper: Paint

E-mail or snail mail: E-mail

Sunrise or sunset: Sunset

Lake or ocean: Ocean

Walk or run: Walk very little

Water-skiing or regular skiing: I wouldn't know.. Never done either one

Golf or mini-golf: Golf is gay 

Gold or silver: Silver

Phone or computer: Computer...
Black and white, or colored: Black n White 

Stripes or plaid: Plaid

Knock or doorbell: Doorbell man 

Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla

Laugh or cry: Laugh duh 

Whisper or scream: scream

Happy or sad:  Happy

And now what time is it?: 12:02 p.m.

So how long did this take you?: Well.. I dont really know

Was this a pain in the butt?: Ahh theres nothin better to do but there is a pain in my back now... from sittin here so fucking long... :'( I just wanna get high

56)What's your favorite toothpaste? Umm I dont member what kind it is... the vanilla kind 

57)What kind of grades do you make? Well.. Mostly Fs but that was when i went to school

58)If you could go anywhere where would you go? Amsterdam

59)How many people do you live with? 3

61)What color lipstick/gloss do you usually wear? Pink Diamonds

62)Coke or Pepsi? well.. I don't really like either one.. But I guess pepsi

63)What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy? uhhhhh prlly drugs lol haha

64)When do you usually go to bed? when i get tired

65)Do you attend church? Nope

66)How many friends do you have? Iono?

67)What do you want to be when your 'older'? A Stoner

68)What's your favorite PJ's?what im wearin when i hit the bed

69)What's your favorite thing to do?Get High

70)What color hair do you have? Brownish Blk

71)Do you sing well? Iono
72)Have you ever been in love? Yeah

73)Would you eat a cochroach for $500? No

74)Are you afraid of the dark? nope.. I love the dark

75)Are you bored? Yeah, why else would I fill this thing out?

76)Where's the last place you've been? Umm... I think... it was... the circle... iono though.... 

77)Do you wear a lot of black? sometimes

78)Do you get along with your parents? Sometimes

79)Do you live in the country, burbs, or city? Uhh.. I'd refer to it as a town

80)Have you ever egged a house? No...

81)Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)? no they wont lemme i talk to much

82)Do you support P.E.D.A.? ehh, what the hells that?

83)Do people think you're crazy? Yeah i do believe so  

84)Have you ever drowned a fish? what a retarded question

85)How many songs do you know all the words to? All kinds

86)Do you listen to The Beatles? yeah a little not much at all though  

87)Do you listen to Eminem? Sometimes

88)Do you know anyone who thinks they're Eminem? I know someone that looks like em

89)Do you read books often? Hell No

90)Do you strive to fit in?  no.. I could care less

93)Are you afraid of thunderstorms? No i hate em though  

94)Do you care what you look like? No

95)Is your hair color fake? Yeahp  

96)Whacha wearing? My You know ur a stoner when shirt and some jeans 

97)Do you 'fall in love' easily? Depends

98)What attracts you most to the oppisite sex? Personality, Smile, Eyes

99)What's your favorite cologne? Grey Flannel or Curve or Cool Waters 

101)Do you like roller coasters? Nope

102)Have you ever flown in a airplane? Nope..

103)What size are your shoes? anywhere between 8 n 9 1/2

105)Have you ever went bungee jumping? Nope..

1)Are you a blonde or a brunette? Iono I got brownish blonde hair normally but now its kinda blk lookin 

2)Do you have friends that are blondes? Yep

3)Are you shy? Well.. 

6)What subject do you do well in? Language arts

8)What are your favorite songs? I got lots of em!

10)Lefty or righty? Righty

11)How old are you? 15

12)When were you born? Aprli 23rd 1990

13)What shows do you like? Southpark and Family Guy 

14)Where are you going this summer? Prlly right here where Im sittin  

15)Do you sing in the shower? Heck no

17)Friends or family? Friends

18)Do you have a boyfriend? Nope

19)Who is the funny one in your family?Iono?

20)Do you wear makeup? Yesum

22)Where do you live? Grayson, Kentucky

23)Do you believe in santa? Hell No

24)Hearts or stars? Stars

25)What type of movies do you like? Love, Scary, and funny ones

26)Ludacris or Chingy? Luda

28)Do you like purfume? Yup

29)Do you like seafood?  No not really

30)What is your middle name? Shanna Beth 

31)Radio or c.d.? Umm depends

32)Do you like Blink182? Well 

33)Do you like to go to concerts? Yeah.

34)What kind of car do you want when you turn 16? Eclipse

35)Are you scared of spiders? Yes..definately!

36)16 or 13? 16

37)Do you like Cotton candy? Sometimes

38)Who is your favorite actress? None

39)who is your favorite actor? Ashton

40)Fast or slow? Fast
42)Push or pull? Push

43)Would you rather go back to the past or into the future? Future

43)Do you like Icecream? Nahh Not really

44)Do you snore? Iono

45)Do you talk in your sleep? Iono that either 

46)Are you hungry? No not really.

47)Do you like Sprite? Nope

48)What is your favorite book? A child called "it" 

49)What is your favorite flower? Roses

50)Night or day? Night

51)What's your favorite type of music? Ahh.. u know this already i do believe 

52)Would you rather stay at home or go out? Go Out! I HATE sitting at home!

53)What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant? McDonalds

54)What is your favorite restaurant? iono??

55)How much do you think about the oppisite sex? All the time

106)Ever been to Paris? No :(

107)Do you believe in Vampires? No

108)If you could become a Vampire, would you? Hells Yes 

109)Would you call yourself normal? Nope

110)Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Ohhh yes

111)Have you ever stolen anything? Maybe

113)Do you drink a lot or at all? Not alot

114)Have you ever lit yourself on fire? Yeahp

115)How many people do you trust with your life? Iono

116)Are you considered intelligent? NO Not at ALL

117)Do you talk on the phone a lot? No mostly net 

119)What kind of bodywash do you use? Dove

120)What's your favorite candy bar? Yuck

121)Ever got a dentention? Yeahp

122)Ever been suspended? Yes

123)Which is better: Punk or Prep?...

124)Ever blew a beverage out your nose? hmmm....

125)Do you like jaw breakers? Yeahp

126)What color is your room?: Blue Yellow and White

127)What's your worst personality trait? uhhh

128)Do you have any medical problems? Nope

129)Are you listening to anything right now? Yeah..Aenima by Tool 

130)What's the last movie you've watched? Bumfights 3 i think???

131)Who do you fight with a lot? Mom and Sister

132)Do you talk too much? ha yeah

133)Ever fell asleep in class? Yeah..

135)Can you do a cartwheel? Nope

136)Ever been camping? uhh.. Yeah.. 

137)What's the most adventurous thing you've done? Swam in the ocean
138)Do you smoke ciggarettes? Yeahp Marlboro Mild 72s

139)Indoors out outdoors? Indoors

140)Do you know how to cook? Yep

141)Do you know how to do laundry? Yeah

142)When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat? iono depends on if i got the munchies or not

143)How much do you weigh? Dont know aint checked in quite a while

145)Do you watch the superbowl? Nooo

146)What's your least favorite color? Iono

147)What brand name do you wear most? LEI

148)What do you normally watch on TV? Nothing

148)What do you sleep in? Whatever I hit the bed in

149)Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? NEITHER

150)Spiderman or Batman? NEITHER...

151)Have you ever broken a bone? Yes

152)A scent that makes you smile? fabreze the purple kind 

153)Fav fruit? Cantelope

154)Fav veggie? Taters

155)How long did it take you to finish this? IONO?