56)What's your
favorite toothpaste? Umm I dont member what kind it is... the vanilla kind
57)What kind of grades do you
make? Well.. Mostly Fs but that was when i went to school
58)If you could
go anywhere where would you go? Amsterdam
59)How many people do you live with? 3
61)What color lipstick/gloss
do you usually wear? Pink Diamonds
62)Coke or Pepsi? well.. I don't really like either one.. But I guess pepsi
63)What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy? uhhhhh prlly drugs lol haha
64)When do you usually go
to bed? when i get tired
65)Do you attend church? Nope
many friends do you have? Iono?
67)What do you want to be when your 'older'? A Stoner
68)What's your
favorite PJ's?what im wearin when i hit the bed
69)What's your favorite thing to do?Get High
70)What color hair
do you have? Brownish Blk
71)Do you sing well? Iono
72)Have you ever
been in love? Yeah
73)Would you eat a cochroach for $500? No
74)Are you afraid of the dark? nope..
I love the dark
75)Are you bored? Yeah, why else would I fill this thing out?
76)Where's the last place you've
been? Umm... I think... it was... the circle... iono though....
77)Do you wear a lot of black? sometimes
78)Do you get
along with your parents? Sometimes
79)Do you live in the country, burbs, or city? Uhh.. I'd refer to it as a town
80)Have you ever egged a house? No...
81)Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)? no they wont lemme i talk
to much
82)Do you support P.E.D.A.? ehh, what the hells that?
83)Do people think you're crazy? Yeah i
do believe so
84)Have you ever drowned a fish? what a retarded question
85)How many songs do you know
all the words to? All kinds
86)Do you listen to The Beatles? yeah a little not much at all though
you listen to Eminem? Sometimes
88)Do you know anyone who thinks they're Eminem? I know someone that looks like em
89)Do you read books often? Hell No
90)Do you strive to fit in? no.. I could care less
you afraid of thunderstorms? No i hate em though
94)Do you care what you look like? No
95)Is your
hair color fake? Yeahp
96)Whacha wearing? My You know ur a stoner when shirt and some jeans
you 'fall in love' easily? Depends
98)What attracts you most to the oppisite sex? Personality, Smile, Eyes
your favorite cologne? Grey Flannel or Curve or Cool Waters
101)Do you like roller coasters? Nope
you ever flown in a airplane? Nope..
103)What size are your shoes? anywhere between 8 n 9 1/2
you ever went bungee jumping? Nope..